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Since there is no competition in ministry here's a resource page that shares books and music that have been personally chosen to help the believer dig a little deeper in scripture. The Word of God says we can overcome mentally and emotionally through our faith in Christ.

We believe all resources should turn our hearts to Christ. 

So here we are! Sharing really is caring. Because it's not about us the scribes.

It's about Christ alone.  

My hope is that these resources help you in some way remain in awe and reverence before God and also serve as resources for healing in any and every area of your life.


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Life can be rough and even be traumatizing at times. 

Yet, there is a hope found only in Christ

that breaks through

the pain. 

Get this devotional and pass it on.


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Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain is another book that had me in disbelief. This book showed me how different stages of life as a child affects us as adults. The beauty of this book is it reveals then heals. This book really helped with my sexual abuse brokenness. Again all done through the knowledge of God's word and the testimony of the writer's own abuses he endured but yet overcame.

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Bondage Breaker was the book that set my freedom walk in motion. On account that every thought and idea from this book led me right back to scripture. It was an eye opener and life changer for me. I also threw the book across the room a few times at the lies I had believed. (I have not read the revised edition)

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Ok, this book is one of those books that confirmed I didn't belong in a mental hospital. I'm serious, this was a great simply written book that didn't use words I had to look up to understand. It was convicting in the best possible way. It really felt like the Holy Spirit was turning the pages. I couldn't put it down. If you struggle mentally this is one of the best books to help take every thought captive.

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Systematic Theology is one of those books that make you feel like a scholar if you tackle one chapter because of it's thickness. I'm serious this book is heavy in two aspects. It's thickness and it's teaching of the Word. This book breaks down what Christians believe and why. 

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The Evidence Study Bible is a great bible that is well suited for bible study and evangelism. 

If you have a heart for apologetics and sharing the Gospel then this book will enhance your learning. 

Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 to 'study to show yourself approved."

That is our charge as well.

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The One True God is an awesome book wirttten by Paul Washer. It was a book that spoke to the personhood of who God is. It was simple, direct and powerful. It made me think and appreciate the God I serve. At this point in my life I was hungry to know more about God. 

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This is a great quick read for anyone interested in defending the faith of Jesus Christ. 

This was a book used in bible college that is full of information about other religions and what they believe. Scriptures Christians can use to persuade another perspective for the unbeliever is another great apologetic resource.


I used to roll my eyes when I saw this title. This is the book my husband will bring to the table after we've had a disagreement. I must admit, I needed the reminder, really I did. God does not want our disagreements to lead to strife and resentful digs at each other. Relationships are beautiful when done right. Forgiveness goes a long way.

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This book is seriously one of those books that puts the reality of standing before God right in your face. When you think about your life how are you living?  This helped me take stock in how my life represented or didn't represent Christ. Was I wasting my life and time on things that had no bearing on eternity? LIke I said serious.

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Now ladies let me warn you now. This is an OUCH! book. If you have issues with sarcasm, gossip, or a mean girl syndrome, this book will get you right. Sarcasm is my culprit and this book was in OUCH mode from the start. However, the flesh needs to feel the growth spurts in the spirit. So don't avoid it-lean into it. :)

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This book really called you to ask the questions we often try to avoid. Questions like, is my pastor preaching the truth? Do I use discernment?This book was an assignment for a course class I was taking at a Christian university. It challenged me to get honest about my life. For instance, was I following Christ or popularity. Great book if you struggle with discerning the glitter from the gold. 

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This book's author is a sweetheart. I was at a women's conference and she was the speaker for the day. She was soft spoken with a powerful message of love. I bought this book at a time in my life when I was uncertain about what was next for me. I was a single mom and felt alone. So this book was a

tremendous encourgment for me during that time.

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This book was awesome in the sense it really was helpful and it was so practical. In every area of a woman's life; this book had a practical example that gave me a visual which helps people like me. I like to see or read examples. Don't just say keep your house clean. Say make your house feel like a hotel visit everyday. I liked that visual.

 ©2022 No Limit for Christ, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

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